
Home | marine air compressor | medium-pressure series air compressor |

industrial air compressor

1. Adopt multi-stage compression, no need to install, just use when power on;
2. Automatic control, automatic start and stop of high and low pressure, automatic discharge of sewage;
3. Continuous operation for 24 hours;
4. Customized according to customer requirements;


No. Model Volume flow m3/min Exhaust pressure MPa Power kW Rated speed r/min Weight kg L x W x H mm
1 NX-1.0/40 1.0 4.0 15 790 470 1420x840x840
2 NX-2.0/40 2.0 4.0 22 695 660 1800x850x1110
3 NX-3.0/40 3.0 4.0 30 690 920 2020x935x1100
× screw compressor power frequency air compressor
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